Friday 8 May 2015



Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end. 
     The age of steam has yielded place to the age of electricity. We have harnessed and introduced it into the service of man. The electric telegraph bears our message to and brings us news from all quarters of the world. Submarine cable does its own work all right. Who is not familiar with the electric bell? Who has not used telephone? Who is not enjoying electric light? Electric motors, wireless telegraphy, electric railways, electric modes of communications and destruction all attest to the great power of electricity. Electricity has developed modern industry and has created many industries. It has enabled man to conquer land, the sea, and the air. 
1. Why do we call the present age the age of electricity? 
2. Which age has yielded place to the age of electricity? 
3. How do we send and receive messages? 
4. State some important uses of electricity? 
5. What do you think is the future of electricity? 
1. We call the present age the age of electricity as a lot of things are done with the help of electricity.
2. The age of steam has yielded place to the age of electricity.
3. We use telegraph, telephone and wireless to send and receive messages.
4. Railways, factories, mills and communication work with the help of electricity.
5. Electricity promises a bright future for mankind.