Thursday 5 October 2017

Letter to Friend Thanking Him for the Books | English for Class 9 | Eureka Study Aids

Letter to Friend Thanking Him for the Books

Examination Hall,
A.B.C. (City)
March 20, 2020

Dear Tahir,
     I have received the novels you lent to me the day before yesterday. These include "The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway, "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, "Emma" by Jane Austen and "Great Expectation" by Charles Dickens. 
     I am really thankful to you for this. You did me a great favour. All this shows your deep love, trust and friendship for me. I have already started reading these bestsellers. I hope these books will improve my English, expand my comprehension and cultivate my creativity. 
     I assure that I shall take care of your books. I know that a book is neither a toy nor a bug smacker. It is like a friend and should be treated like a friend. I shall try to return these books as early as possible. 
Thanking you again. 

Yours truly, 