Sunday 27 August 2017



Answer the following questions. 
(i) How did Hazrat Asma (RA) console her grandfather?
Ans. She did so by making place his hand on the pebbles covered with a piece of cloth. 
(ii) Who was Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair?
Ans. He (RA) was the son of Hazrat Asma (RA).
(iii) Which incident in the story showed Hazrat Asma's (RA) love and respect for the Holy Prophet (SAW)?
Ans. Delivery of food to the Holy Prophet (SAW) at the risk of her own life showed her love and respect for the Holy Prophet (SAW). 
(iv) Which incident in the story tells about the generosity of Hazrat Asma (RA)?
Ans. She (RA) sold the inherited garden and gave away all the money to the poor and the needy. 
(v) What message do you get from the life of Hazrat Asma (RA)?
Ans. We get the message of generosity, bravery, loyalty and sacrifice. 
(vi) How much confidence did Quaid-e-Azam had in his nation?
Ans. He had great confidence in his nation. 
(vii) What was Quaid's concept of our nation?
Ans. He thought that Muslims had their own culture, civilization and values. 
(viii) What was the ideology of Pakistan in view of Quaid-e-Azam?
Ans. He thought that Muslims had their own national and political identity. 
(ix) What can be the possible solution of our present problems?
Ans. Education, unity and hard work are the possible solution. 
(x) How can we become a strong nation?
Ans. We can do so by following the Quaid's motto, "Faith, Unity, Discipline."
(xi) Why Sultan Ahmad Masjid is also known as Blue Masjid?
Ans. It is because of its blue tiles and blue lights. 
(xii) Who was appointed as the architect of the Masjid?
Ans. He was Sedefhar Mehmat Aga. 
(xiii) Who constructed Masjid Sophia?
Ans. It was constructed by Mehmat II.
(xiv) Why was a heavy chain hung at the entrance of the court?
Ans. It was hung there so that the king had to bow down his head before entering the masjid. 
(xv) How does the interior of the mosque look?
Ans. It looks beautiful. It is lined with ceramic tiles and decorated with different designs. 
(xvi) What is an ICU in a hospital?
Ans. It is a special unit where critically ill patients are treated. 
(xvii) Why did the nurse ask Hira's sister to come and talk to her?
Ans. She hoped that her voice might activate her sister's neurons and brain. 
(xviii) Why did the nurse disagree with the doctor's point of view?
Ans. It was because she was hopeful of Hira's recovery if a chance was given to her. 
(xix) Describe some qualities of the nurse in the story. 
Ans. She is kind, dutiful and committed to her profession. 
(xx) Why did the nurse say: "Where there is a will there is a way"?
Ans. She said so because her hopeless patient had recovered. 
(xxi) What are the effects of drug addiction?
Ans. Drug addiction causes health, social and financial problems. 
(xxii) Which environmental factors are responsible for drug addiction?
Ans. These are bad company, drug pushers and domestic problems. 
(xxiii) What do you understand by the term "counselling"?
Ans. It means 'taking advice' to resolve problems. 
(xxiv) What are the cause of drug addiction?
Ans. These are bad company, drug pushers and domestic problems. 
(xxv) What is the role of counselling in preventing drug addiction? 
Ans. Counselling is an ongoing recovery program. It prevents the patient's relapse to the disease again. 

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